Friday, August 18, 2006


Well, I have been home for almost two weeks. First there was the back to the Real World lethargy, and the need to sleep all the time; then the visit from Lisa F (she is in good form and still RC) that involved LESS sleep and MORE wine than digging; the very nice birthday dinner last Saturday, mine; I have made a half-century and I only feel like it sometimes, go me; the juried crafts fair full of ceramic goodness on Sunday; and the computer hijinks. My iMac/Firefox has decided it can't read pictures at Yahoo, Amazon, or Blogger (at least not my Blogger) Works okay on the blogs of others, I think. This did not speed up my posting the rest of the dig, which I finally have, at (q. you should v.). Or setting up the photogallery at YahooPhotos.

At work, my boss installed XP Pro on my machine (formerly XP Home, but we wanted More). this has not been a smooth transition. Ha very ha.

I will try to be around more. Knitting an uninspired sock. Two skeins. Different Dyelots. And one has three cables across the instep and one has five. I have been BUSY, you know. I must have been. The house is a mess.


Anonymous said...

Jiggity jig. And happy birthday, on a wonderful landmark one. Yes, yay you.

Juno said...

I have been thinking about you all the past few days - just wondering what you were up to, and thinking how charming the chickens are and all. Happy birthday.