My aunt's backyard compares favorably with what I think Club Med must be like. She would point out that the swimming pool is broken, but it hasn't been unbearably hot (I am in Dallas. Texas is still pretty much taking its happy meds, although those experiencing flash floods might not agree). There is a small lake with various ducks and huge turtles (who usually eat the baby ducks, despite not being snappers) and lizards come out and flash throat at you. Pictures would follow but I am piggybacked on some unknown's network and it can't handle too much. Maybe after I get back to NH. I did not really seriously expect even enough connectivity to read my mail on my own laptop, so I am very grateful to this manifestation of linksys.
Because of the Internet I have been able to be in close touch with my daughter and the net friends, and cell phones have been helpful for staying touch with my parents (and I used mine more for keeping in touch with the coterie in Austin for 4 days than in a month in NH. There will be a whole entry about Austin. I was not drunk or grief-stricken all the time). So I know I am the Daughter will probably survive the loss of Mena, and though I don't expect it to be fun to go home and know she is never coming back, it has been tremendously kind of people to write and comment.
My aunt is kind and has been looking after me. They have good Mexican food in Texas. I am not going home any thinner.
I have to leave now as it is raining on my keyboard. Texas may be about to have a tantrum.
Oooh, love the lizard picture and the statues too!
Enjoy your stay. It sounds like fun!
Very nice; you are very good at photography. I, for one, feel you are in a nice position, vacationing in the Lone Star state, and poised to return to tax-free New Hampshire.
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