Sunlight on new leaves
After three days' rain (with frost)
But now it's Monday.
On the plus side, the enormous quilt is nearly done, largely because of heroic support (including more than a few knots) by Sarah. The only problem with working on a quilt essentially solidly for two days is that it left me exhausted and unable to talk except about what to do next (mostly put seven ties in each of 56 squares). The quilt is about a solid C (with a B+ for ambition). Definitely warm, not at all unattractive (picture next week), one major, visible fudge (I know it seemed like the only thing to do at the time) and after all is said and nearly all done, one upside down square. That I have noticed so far. Nor have I really plumbed the mystery of stitching in the ditch. But it won't fall apart. I hope Favorite Son likes it. It has little kinship with the magnificent actually quilt-stitched objects of
Too Much Wool . But I never signed on to the intricacies of hand-quilting; this is a 20th century confection with big pieces of purpose-bought cloth. Something like the difference between
this and
this. Both of them are perfectly valid embroidery but you you would never mistake one for the other.
I know the kitty would be faster to make.
So I have a small other quilt literally on the table (all over it, under the black and red scraps. There was some kind of dissonance when Sarah handed me a plate of steaming, bean-enhanced chips 'n'cheese'n'salsa and I hurried away from the dining table, away from handicrafts, to eat it sitting on the couch) that I hope to make before the second graduation on May 18, but I need to keep in mind that next weekend is totalled by the first graduation and I have less time than I think. It is essential not to decide it should be a double-bed size rather than a small charming wall-hanging. ESSENTIAL.
Sarah, as well as making food, tying at least twelve squares, and pointing out that I was Nearly Done when I began to faint by the trail, finished piecing her Rail Fence top, the project that began this terrible episode in our mutually-enabling craft lives. She also took studio-quality portraits of Marten and Willow for Catbook. Marten and Willow, who were bored with the weather, helped as much as I would let them and sometimes more than I wanted. Strips of cloth are a threat and they were determined to protect me. Pieced sheets hanging from ironing boards and pinned above doorways were obviously intended for them and they were very pleased. I am so glad Sam will get a cat that _comes with_ cat hair, which will save him a lot of time.
I have bought a few things at the plant nursery (there's one near the quilt shop), mostly scented geraniums I will have in the sunny windows where I work. I put violas and snapdragons in the sterile institutional planting (don't get me started about whoever put pachysandra into full sun) where I work and they make me happy every single time I park. I also planted two peony roots and a miserable couple of daylily roots from Home Depot there. We shall see if they make it. At home, my asparagus got frostbit (it tasted interesting; I think the tips I ate were fermenting) and the tadpoles are coming along. A newt has been around in the puddle. It's freakin' cold.
We actually have goldfinches again. The raccoons are letting up on the feeder depredation. No deer have been sighted lately.